Dec 8, 2002

Haha...good points indeed. For the record I of course was throwing that shit out for humerous effect. I don't like to post drama on this blog or anywhere in my life. Don't worry boys and girls...I'm confident I'll be a filmaker. A good one perhaps? That is in the hands of the viewer. Which brings me to another point.

You can make a movie and tell a story the way you want it. You have total control during the production. You can tell your actors how to act. Tell the director of photography to light a scene a certain way to suit your needs...but what it all boils down to is how the viewer is going to take it. Some movies that are considered classics...I think sometimes the whole point of the movie is different than that of what the director wanted. This is why I hate analyzing film so much because you never really know what the director was thinking. You take it for what it is. When you describe the film you are in fact putting words into the director's head.

Hence Eecs. Obviously I know he thinks he won this battle. And probably did. But he is forgetting that I did not mean to put words into his mouth. I did not say, "Eecs SAYS that I am a moron, so basically eecs SAYS that purist...blah blah blah. I read into the context just as he did mine. That is the way it sounded like he felt in his last blog. Don't worry Eecs...I don't get defensive about what you say (in fact I am shocked that you thought so, I was just adding dynamic counterance to your blog)... I like the fact that you correct me all the time. Since I'm a grammer moron it creates an interesting dynamic wouldn't you say? Near the bottom line: Eecs has very good points. I respect him choosing not to play games for what they are today. I totally understand. At the same time I think I made some very decent points that don't apply to Eecs but apply to shitload of other gamers. Oh by the way...the reason I said old school gamers and new school gamers are ignorant is because I think of myself as a purist gamer. I didn't mean it to come out like Old school gamer = Eecs = Stupid and retarded. I meant ignorant in the fact that they don't give the games a chance and shut the door for whatever reason. Now you can argue all you want with me on this one...but we ARE all ignorant in choices. We always have biases and we always think whatever we choose is right to validate that choice. We tell ourselves in the most comforting way that we chose the right thing because we don't ever want to fail in life.

Now to rip into Eecs. "I hope he was just throwing that stuff in there for humorous effect. Otherwise... save the drama for your therapist." So how come when I have a personal problem (well...when I do =) ) I can't come to Eecs? This makes me sad and dissappointed. Oh sure you're there for everyone else on this blog except for Hapachan, but how come not me? Do you not want to hear what is going on in my life? I think now it is turning into a personal problem...I don't feel good enough to be here on this blog because some people don't wanna listen...I'm tearing up like a bitch and no shoulder to cry on...

(If anyone of you think I was serious about that last need to find a different group of friends to read about. You failed the test.)

Whatever. Debate closed. Time to go begging to Jon for the use of his scanner. I'm just gonna act like I'm sorry and not mad at him. He doesn't read this blog does he? Who the fuck is Eecs anyways? I can't tell by his icon! HAHAHAHHA. Although...on another icon doesn't even look like me...sigh...

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