Sep 20, 2002

I guess I should be saying "test and testing" and all that other crap you guys posted, but I've decided not to make fun of my fellow companions (although I guess I just did with that sentence) tonight for the simple reason that I've been reminded tonight how special friends really are. Blah, blah yeah it sounds gay and mushy, but I just found out someone our age woke up today having no idea that he would be lying in a hospital bed with his brain bleeding uncontrollably. Also (while not even close to the same level) the accident I had made me experience first hand that you can try to control everything in your life, but sometimes that just isn't enough. Something can strike us at anytime, anywhere. Now I know what you might all be saying...yes I've myself heard this story a million times. I guess I find it strange that we realize how lucky we are when something bad happens. Then I think about it a little and come to my senses. Of course we realize how lucky we are when something horrible happens. This is because as humans we have to move on with our lives in the best way we know how and sometimes it is easier to push these horrible things in the back of our heads. Not to be left forgotten but instead pushing them deeper so they're not on the surface where we are most vulnerable. It's because of this that we realize how lucky we are in difficult times. So as this summer winds down to a close...for some the very last summer vacation they will have for a while I'd just like to say it was a blast. I couldn't have spent the time with better people. I'm lucky I have friends that put up with my stupidity...but doesn't the blog title say it all? So until next time something unfortunate happens...thanks for everything. I appreciate it.

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