Aug 1, 2004

We used to laugh at double blogs. Well just me is probably more accurate. Yet I don't think I should be punished even if this fake plan went through. Did it ever occur to you that I have been blogging recently because of the mere fact it was dying? Besides a double blog is a blog and a bullshit blog put together. If you got nothing out of my poker stories...that three dollar average is probably about right. Haha. I still say you're a better card player than I am. I just get luckier with the idiots at Bay.

On another note, my financial advice was sound. I feel I didn't need to put in the most obvious shit in the world. I'm just lucky that clubbing ain't my thing. Which rules out drinks. Which rules out girls. Which rules out losing money on a slut. In the end, "I win." However, I think we will all agree that it is the little things that you don't think costs you a lot of money that will eventually kill your gangsta roll. Again on another note, I also feel that movies are a rip off. Yet calling people who do go see movies a sucker? If suckers are going to go see my movies (minus Jon of course) then I better go pay off the suckers who are going to be my is all about paying your dues.

So to keep this blog alive I tested a conversation with T-Wrecks, Hapachan, Brendan and Andrew last night to see if this would fly. It got positive reviews and in fact made us laugh out loud for over an hour. The conversation was fun and made for some good arguments. So I bring it to Pooky. This isn't necesarily something brand new or unheared of, but as far as I can remember, Pooky never had a list like this before...

I would like to know what you feel is overrated. I want to hear why it is overrated backed by somewhat decent facts that can make people laugh at your intelligence or tastes. As with all overrated lists, Kirsten Dunst is a default so no one needs to blog about her. Yet for the sake of feeling better about ourselves...go ahead and bash her. So my list which will not be the last installment will hopefully get the ball rolling. Lists do not need to be in any paticular order, but let us know if there is something that really, really gets under your skin. Also for those that were in the conversation yesterday, there might be some reruns up in this mutha fucka.

PS: Hey Steve, I know you don't blog on here too much anymore for whatever reasons (which I know), but I think you would come up with some hilarious shit for this...let the poo throwin' start!

**Okay I would have started my list, but I got some stuff I gotta get hopefully later tonight!

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