Sep 7, 2005

Softball was fun. I hate the sport, but playing it with friends and a little wood bat is hella fun, i must admit. The food was damn good too.

Laguna Beach is the worst show ever. Worst than real world. However, one has to expect that for three reasons: one, it's on MTV..when was the last time MTV had a quality show? two, it's a reality show...a genre that is well known for having shitty shows. three, it's a show about stuck up rich white basically it's about a well off minority in america...a show that showcases the rich and fortunate when the majority of americans are barely making enough, and over 40 percent are living in poverty and barely have the necessities to survive. That means no one will give a shit. It's like complaining about the quality of your drinking water while a small child who hasn't had anything to drink in 5 days is staring at you.

I'm downloading the Katamari soundtrack. Why is that music so damn crack-like addicting???

This weekend will be fun. Party and clubbing. Sweet. And Brendan is coming out...crazy!

Life is good. Especially with a beer in your hand.

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