Mar 26, 2008


I like to cook. I don't know how it happened, but I guess because I have extra time now that I'm out of school I cook.

So far I'm doing easy things, but let me tell you - Salmon is your best friend. It's easy, cheap and you can fake a good meal with it. Let me share a quick example.

Fast Salmon Meal

2 Salmon Fillets (The kind with the skin on one side...)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Don't go with the cheaper oil!)
Garlic Powder
Small Red Potato
Rice (Optional for non-asian folk!)
Chardonnay Wine

So I did this using a George Foreman Grill because I hate firing up an outside grill for just two people. Besides, I kind of like the grilled salmon smell. Feel free to grill this fish however you want, but I don't recommend baking it.

Start your rice.

Pre-heat your grill.

Wash the spinach and cut off the end of the stems. You can throw them into water and boil but I prefer to steam them. Supposedly it's more healthy for you. Steam for roughly 5-7 minutes. Look for that nice bright green color.

Prepare your salmon. I got the frozen kind at Safeway. Just rub it down with a little olive oil (Both sides) season with salt, pepper and garlic powder. (You may want to go easy on the salt. The soy sauce is usually good enough)

The red potato can actually go in the microwave, just make sure you poke it with a fork though. Put in the microwave for 3 minutes, turn and cook for another 3 minutes.

Throw the salmon on the grill. On the foreman, it only takes 5-6 minutes.

When plating, start with the spinach. Make a little bed of it, and place the salmon on top. Top the salmon with three leaves of spinach. Add rice, and red potato.

Serve with your choice of chardonnay.

Total time - 20 minutes.
Total Cost: $16.18
Salmon (2 fillets) - $8.20
Spinach - $1.99
Wine (Cheap but good - Concannon) - $5.99

And that's it! Your serving a healthy meal that is visually appealing. The red, pink and green look real nice on the plate.

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