Sep 30, 2003

I'm going to be the only one blogging on this it seems. I heard Jon is working on some massive blog that will blow the critics away, but I have yet to even see the traces of a blog on his end. So I'm going to talk about me again. You lucky dogs.

After years of not being able to touch film, I've finally touched a real film camera. I got to actually load film. I got to change shutter speeds and exposure times, work with different lenses and so on. I've got to say that from what I've seen from 16mm I really like how it looks. I'd even go as far to say that I would shoot our poker movie in film rather than digital. It feels good to finally get my hands dirty in emulsion and when I was working in class I was getting a tingling sensation in my stomach...could this be the birth of creativity? Could this be the feeling of excitment? Fear? Either way I like it. I like it a lot. I've already started to work on our final project that I will go into for the next paragraph. Not to sound gay but when I was walking out of that class session I was smirking.

After the comedy of Game Over (I still think it's funny) and the seriousness of To Whom (That fucked us in the ass for trying something to "epic" to soon and with only about 700 dollars as a budget) I have decided that I would like to do something somewhat experimental and creepy. Almost a Silent Hill type of film that will leave the bitter taste of creepiness in your mouth after watching it. This type of film is totally new to me from a creative standpoint, but you can bet your ass I will be watching and purchasing more horror films that achieve in making people cringe. I no I probably won't be able to recreate this feeling, but I'm always up to the challege.

Since this is the first production class we cannot take the cameras off of campus. So I have to try to come up with something that can be shot on campus. Of course this isn't a totally orginal idea I've decided to try to make it my own and shape it to my demented mind. The story starts off in a deserted hallway with our main character waiting for the elevator. Out of the corner of his eye he sees someone run into the stairwell with the faint sound of a girl laughing (this will most likely change). The man being curious and with the silence of the room amplifying the laughter, he decides to take the stairs out of curiousity. As he starts up the stairs the shots seem like normal type of shots you would see in any type of film...however as he progresses up and up he starts to feel as if the stairs are endless, the shots turn into more experimental in nature. He starts to hear footsteps and more laughing (we have to sync sounds in our final dialogue unless you want to tackle it) echoing throughout the stairwell. He starts to get sweaty and frustrated...he tries to leave the stairwell since he feels he is hallucinating and finds out that the next door leads to more endless sets of stairs. As he starts to climb out of desperation to get out he starts to see small trails of blood on the railing. Now he is sweating even more heavily and starts to throw his items along the he gets to closer to the end of the film the laughter turns into screaming and various sounds of metal hitting metal. The lighting gets darker and dirtier until he finally reaches the top where the screaming is amplified and he sees the girl slump down to the floor. In front of him stands the man his curiousity was chasing...I wish I had an ending...thinking more along the lines of an out of body experience...I figure if we do this right the audience will be expecting that our hero is chasing after this man and trying to save the girl. When we finally reveal the whole shot in the end we will see our hero who was hallucinating up these stairs holding a knife with the body of the girl lying faceless into the cold concrete. In a way I guess the stairwell and him being trapped is his desire to he can't escape the taste of murder even if he wanted to. I always that this is how most murderers' minds work. Even they know what they are doing...they are out of body when they finally get to actually doing it...and they like it.

Sounds disturbing enough for me. Ari and I always wanted to do something controversial and perhaps we can mess with the camera to make it more experimental...I know this sounds like it has been done before (trust me I realize that), but thinking that we can only use SFSU as a backdrop serious limits our ideas...and I figure we can use some awesome angles with the camera and the stairs...almost Hitchcock like perhaps. The editing will get faster and faster to create more and more tension as the film goes let me know what you guys think...they always say outside sources are always the best...but then again those people don't know Pooky.

That's about it...I just wanted to blog to let you know that I might be getting enthusiastic about making something...shit...even that little bit of time that was spent with Bryant's friend Kevin who was making a movie of his own was giving me the urge to shoot something. Or perhaps the better description would be to take a project and take a stab at it....hahahaha...thats not funny at all...I can't write comedy...I better stick to killling women in a empty stairwell.

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