May 4, 2003

Well, it certainly been a while since I've written in here, not as bad as Derek per say, but it's been long enough. New editions to Pooky, how exciting! Let me say that I'm glad that more people will be joining us here, hopefully there will be more writing, opinions, humor, and insight on life. I'll put in a few more cents on who each person is:

Andy is my best friend and we've gone to the same school ever since Kindergarten and we go to Cal Poly together. He's probably in the top 3 funniest people that I know in the world. He is witty, sarcastic, slick w/ the comments and a quick thinker. He and I have been through almost everything together and I love telling the crazy stories and all the trouble we used to cause. Avid videogame player, sports fanatic, and all around one of the good guys in this world. Glad to see Pooky and his power trip let him on.

I met Kevin in the dorms, but really didn't get to know him until my second year. I had found a friend here at Poly that didn't need to drink every weekend to have fun. He was the guy I can chill with, kick back and watch movies. He was my impulse shopping friend since Brendan wasn't here. We eventually became roommates in our 3rd year and I couldn't imagine living with anyone else. He was the perfect roommate. Kevin has now become one of my best friends and he's given me another reason that I'm glad I went to Poly. Kevin is the perfectionist, hates losing, scares easily, but has a great time with life. Most of the time. He's also another funny face that can shed some light here in Pooky on random things. He'll be the person in the group minus Brendan, to say what's on his mind, no matter what. His shit talking is endless, but like Brendan he's a softy and truly a good character. He's taught me a lot in cooking, fixing things, bball, etc. I hope he makes his way back to SJ so that we may become roommates again and have some more fun!

Tony tried to throw me in a fuckin garbage can in our first meeting in 6th grade. Koreans are not supposed to do that to each other, but oh well, lucky for him I forgave him and we've become good friends w/ an intereting twist on how we met. This is a guy you always want on your side. He'll stick up for you, he'll defend you and he's one of the most loyal friends that I have. He's a tremendous athlete who has risen above the rest and worked his ass off to become the best player that he can be. His efforts are always 110% and his hard work will pay off for him. He's a kick back guy, who is almost always in a good mood. He always has a smile on his face and rarely gets mad. He makes some bold comments too, like Kevin and Brendan, but like the others, laughs it off with everyone else.

All in all these 3 should be a great addition to our blog, I hope they blog a lot and we get feedback on everything. I know some of our lives will become more hectic with our college careers coming to a close, but it will always be good to hear from you all. I hope to see you all in SJ, even though some may think it's not a fun place to be. I beg to differ, I think San Jose is good enough, there's no other town I would rather live in. I say this because of the company that I keep there and that's all that I need. All the people I care about are from the area and hopefully will eventually be back there when all is said and done. Other pluses is that it has awesome sports team, SF is just 20 min away, traffic isn't that bad, there are convenient places to shop (Valley Fair is a great mall, parking sucks though), Videogame stores galore for missions, Popeye's, Su's, Gordon Bierch, Holders, must I say more? If that's not good enough for ya, then I'm sorry, that's all I have to offer for the town.

School is going alright. Kick back, but my classes are actually interesting. I actually like going to the lectures because I feel like I am retaining stuff. My Developmental Psych. class is giving me some good insights on children and how to raise them, what's normal, what's not, etc. My Kine class is making me more aware of my surroundings and the struggles b/w cultures. It also gives good tips on how to lead a healthy life. Funny, my most boring class is the one that I have to take which is my Software Mgmt. class. I really should be interested in it, since it discusses my future job (Proj Mgmt), but damn, the subject is damn boring and I hope my job isn't the same way or I would go nuts. Month and a half left, time flies when you're having fun.

I've noticed I am a very emotional drunk. Not the wah wah, boo hoo, emotional. More like the "I love you guys!" type and I like to give hugs. I getting drunk and talking w/ most of you is my way of saying I appreciate having you in my life, but I would feel stupid saying it sober because I would immediately be termed as "gay." I know Brendan is already saying that right now, that bastard hehe. But I mean everything I say and I do appreciate all my friends and I guess that's my way of expressing it. At least I don't cry and I've cut down on the hitting (Kevin). haha. If you don't like my drunken ways, give me a few more drinks and I'll just pass out.

Brian - I hope things are well with the ladies or lady. We'll need a status check, just to make sure you're not psycho or anything.
Pooky - Stop whining. I am Pooky, don't use my hoo. I thought Pooky was a team, I guess not. Thanks for adding the boyz above! =) "I thought about taking it down, but that would just be childish HAHAHAHA" I wonder if that's aimed at me. I don't want to assume or put words in the mouth, but my opinion is it's not childish if assholes are writing stupid ass shit in the box, especially when they're making fun of friends that don't get our humor. =) Brendan and I already had this chat haha.
Brendan and Jonathan - Check out their painting. It's sick and I like the HW idea you guys have for each other. I hope to see more of it and Brendan I hope you have a script ready for the summer, I am ready to act! haha jk
Steve - hope all is well in SD, I would still like to make a trip there, just tell me if there's a good weekend and I'm there.
Derek - YOU ARE GAY! haha jk...Hope things are well at SC, don't work too hard, enjoy college a bit. I know it's hard with essays, papers, projects, midterms, finals, etc, but relax a little.

Mario Kart does look sick. There were about 10 games in Andy's new EGM that intrigued me and I can't for them to come out. Castevania(PS2), Socom 2(PS2), Halo 2 (Xbox), Syphon Filter (PS2), X-men Legends (PS2), Madden 2004 (PS2), Baldur's Gate II (PS2), Final Fantasy (Gamecube), and also Full Throttle 2(PS2). Take a look at some on the games on or something, but all of them should be good. Also the new Lord of the Rings game w/ Multi-player, something they definitely needed in the first one.

X-men 2 was a great movie. I thought it was way better than the first, which I liked too. I think the Phoenix Saga is coming in the 3rd movie and hopefully Gambit will be included. Better Luck Tommorrow is not that great of a movie. DO NOT GO SEE IT, wait for it on video or something. It is not one of those movies you have to see in the theatres. The all Asian cast was interesting and certain scenes were cool, but overall I was criticizing the movie on the inside the whole time. Matrix looks cool, Hulk looks better with these new trailers then the first ones, so I can't wait until those come out.

Cute vs. Hot - I would say hot girls are looks only. They seem like the "untouchable" or "out of my league" type of females. I would say cute girls are relatively attractive, but they have an added bonus that most girls don't have...a personality. They have humor, they have charisma, and they are generally interesting to talk with. Hot girls, I think for me at least, are people that I tend to not talk w/ as much, mostly because I never think I'm good enough for them or something. Classy is a touch of both hot and cute, Catherine Zeta-Jones would be my example of this. She has this image that she has a lot of class, she's attractive, but not over the top, she's more elegant I guess is how I would put it.

Alright, well I am trying to think of more to write, but I really can't. So until next time, see you all later...Peace out.

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