Jul 9, 2003

Ye be warned mateys. POTC:COTBP is 2 an a half hours sez I. Aye, Fer the lilly livered lads wit no booty I be will'n to wager yer just go down to Davey Jones's locker.

Here it is. Another film review post that no one will read since it isn't really considered ILS material. But I don't care. I will try to write a simple review that is far better than ANY magazine or newspaper can come up with. No spoilers contained.

Yes it is long. Yet I waited over a year and half for this movie so two and half hours is still too short. Does it drag in certain places...yes. But then again...more film time equals more Keira Knightley time. Regardless of age she is...damn...I wish I were a pirate. Depp...interesting role...might not be what you expected. Still better than Edward Scissorhands. Aside from Miss. Knightley looking absolutely gorgeous in my opinion, she did a good job in her role. Rush is even better...that guy just might have pirate's blood running through him. Bruckheimer or however you spell his name...at first I thought he was going to butcher what could be a kick ass film. Then Gore Verbinski signed on as director and I was at peace. The film is stylized but in a classy way (ahem...take note Michael Bay...you might be replaced as Bruckheimers bizatch). I liked the way it looked and the way it shot really did remind me of the Ring. Which isn't a bad thing by the way. Andy said it best when he said he might not be able to sit through it EVER again. However I would be. If you want to go see it...CALL ME UP. I WILL GO. No, not just for Keira but also because this in my mind is a good film to study for shooting action without it going overboard for crazy camera angles. I'm glad they didn't use too much CG but when they do I thought it was awesome. Overall it captures the same feel as the ride at Disneyland. Once you sit down in the air conditioned ride it feels good. Yet by the time the ride ends you really don't want to get out of your seat...because your either too tired (perhaps the ride dragged on too long?) or because you like the lives of Pirates so much (that's me) that 2 and half hours isn't long enough. HOWEVER they better not make too many sequels...or else we might have Pirates in 3D!!! in the old Cap'n EO theatre. Thumbs up for Keira...the film wasn't bad either.

I leave you with a stupid Pirate joke.

How much did the Pirate pay for his ear piercing?

A buccaneer.

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