Aug 1, 2003

Last night was a lot of fun, but also an eye-opener. Though we didn't get our asses kicked, it was still tough losing some games. Though small levels w/ 16 people isn't very fun, it's ok. They choose games we choose games. But overall after thinking about it, we played pretty well. We'll still need some practice, being more aggressive, strafing, communication, level awareness etc.

Brendan, Andy and I will have to coach some of the non-Goldeneye players on certain tactics, movements, and controls. But in the end, we all have to be having fun. I had a great time last night, it was fun to play against real competition and have something to strive for now. I hope you guys did too, those who were there at least.

They enjoyed playing us and would like to do it again sometime. So I hope we're all up for it.

Kevin, next time we play, you should be here. It was an actual challenge for us.

Dave this weekend, should be good w/ the boys. Maybe some poker too, we'll see. Until next time...see you all laters.

PS: Green Blasters = useless and gay

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