Nov 11, 2005

So you have probably noticed that I changed my icon. Of course this isn't the look of any of my drawings, but I got a little frisky last night while painting. What is that you say? Where are the other people's icons? Well that is one of the perks of being able to can change your icon whenever you want. So there.

Some quick notes.

Guitar Hero rocks. I'm not good at music games. Hell I'm not good at music in general in terms of finding the beat or whatever you musicians call such things. Steve royally served me up something raw on the game last night. I told him it was because I was spending all fucking day working on his shit that I couldn't work on my guitar skills. He might have fell for it if he didn't come into my room when I was sleeping...especially when I was supposed to be working on his shit. Bottom line: This game is very cool and it is even better if you actually throw away your pride and start actually rocking out. So while Steve had the higher scores...I was getting all the dirty underwear thrown at me. Smelly and satisfactory.

Poker. I'm going to get one thing clear right now. Should I move up stakes? Sure, I do feel confident enough to step up to 6-12 or even 5-10 online. And everyone else thinks that I should move up. Well that is all find and dandy except for the fact that my bankroll won't allow it right now. So you might be asking what happens to all my winnings? Well besides these two brand spanking new monitors being driven by a ultra crazy graphics card...a lot of what I made during college went pretty much to college. Gas. Books. Some tuition. Film fees. Also you only hear about my winnings. It is not that I'm trying to hide the fact that I lose. Shit...who doesn't lose? It's more that I don't work enough hours at Noah's even though I could easily pick up hours. Also I still owe my 'rents money and they are starting to think I won't pay them back ever. I'll write that check soon...hopefully. So the bottom line is that I won't move up until I am squared away with my numbers. Quick Update: Played in a 20 dollar NLHE tournament w/ 240ish players. Finished 35 which cashed.

The Disneyland trip seems to be coming together. I will send off one more email to confirm the time of departure, where to meet and so on. For all those that are going, thank you for being patient with me. As you can probably tell, I don't organize trips that much because I suck. So stick with me for a little longer...I promise we'll have fun...well...I'll at least have fun.

Ricki put up a picture of her and her girlfriend on Myspace. I was going to write something mean, but then he might look and then I'd be afraid he would see me in a different light. Haha. So if you got time, leave a comment saying she deserves better and that she should listen to Foo Fighters "Best of You" song. Also throw in that she should cut my hair. It's the least she can do since she is getting a dope ass Xmas present this year. (Yeah, we are going to forget about all those other times she cut my hair for free.)

I finshed a half gallon of milk and almost 1 and half boxes of cereal in like 3 meals. Cereal is awesome.

I decided that perhaps after I pay off these is time to buy a laptop. I would really like to keep this main computer offline as much as possible...except when I use Steam. Other than that I would really like a laptop. I looked online and I probably won't settle for anything less than an Alienware. Of course when I built mine seemed like it would be faster than my dual Xeons. That and the price came out to 4K. I can't really seem myself spending that much on a laptop...well I can...but you know.

Going to Fresno on Sunday. Won't be helping out Shannon since it seems in her desperation and Tony's advertising emails..she has enough people. Besides Steve, Jonathan and I need to get this website done so I can play Guitar Hero and hit up Garden City to extract my revenge on those bastards.

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