Apr 17, 2003

Brian - tread carefully. I read the statement on your blog, not totally sure what it meant. I don't know if you've already made a move or anything, but contemplate the pros and cons of everything. Putting yourself out there for a girl is a huge step for us fellaz. The heart is a fragile piece of our lives, so all I will say is be careful. If things don't go your way, remember you have friends here who will comfort ya.

Jonathan - I like your analogy. It makes sense, I think it fits me pretty well. To stay in your analogous state, I will just say that I will keep trying on "jeans" until I find the perfect fit (for me). I don't believe those cliches are bullshit and the same with fate. I am a strong believer in fate, but I'm not going to argue with you about it because it's not logical. I know that and I know you will win any argument with any of us if it has to do w/ it being logical or not. But it doesn't mean I can't have faith in it right? I think it's like religion too. A lot of the stories in the bible don't seem like they could possibly ever happen, they're not logically supposed to happen, but we still believe in something right? Maybe not all of us. But I think having faith in something, having a reason for living, having a purpose and beliefs, all which may not be widely accepted or shared, are meaningful to all our lives. As for the cliches being a "fall back," we could even say a crutch to make us feel better or more comfortable about things not working out, I don't believe that either. I'm sure in some cases that could be true. For me, I truly think if it wasn't meant to be, there are signs out there, breaking up being the biggest one, but not always the deciding factor. For any of you to believe in any of this, you have to believe in my bullshit, also known as Fate. I'm not lazy, afraid (how can you not be scared of a relationship, uncertainty) or indecisive (well not totally). But another reason why those cliches might not be bullshit to me is also because I am for the most part an optimist, I try to find something good in everything and for me, a break up could be a good thing. Example being, if something wasn't meant to be, why would I want to be in there, therefore the break up was a good thing.

Being proactive is a good thing, but if you constantly fail, that could destroy someone's self confidence. But if you don't want any "what ifs," then go out there and give it a shot, not just talking about relationships. Regret is a bitch and there is no one to blame but yourself if you don't try.

The only person that came to mind so far about girls that we find attractive that most wouldn't is....
Michelle Branch. I don't know what it is, because her look doesn't really appeal to me, but there's just something about her...I dunno...

Brendan - Your new icon is sick. I liked your old one, but I think this depicts your true demented, sadistic, demonic ways. To your last breath before you die, I would say - "You mother fucker, I was going to give you the vaccine too, selfish bitch!" haha jk, all in good fun...but would I really cure Brendan? ....Make a movie! Make me a star!

Steve - your blog was funny. I never saw the Videogame player thingy on MTV, but I guess I need to see it to fully understand your blog. Being an asshole is fun sometimes, definitely to those who deserve or to innocent bystanders who don't know you're talking shit (jk). You're not a loser...who's the big winner? I'm gonna ask you who the bigger winner...Who's the big winner? Stevie! Steve-O! Steven! Creme Puff!??? Overall, you're the big winner. Happy w/ life, active in extra-curriculars, good gf (I suppose, know nothing about her, but you two are still together so something has to be going right), and you know a Korean (that's me)...so life can't get any better for you! Well, maybe if you knew two Koreans, but some may say that could be excessive. (Suicide hand gesture hehe)

Zelda - Sailing around does become somewhat gay, but when it's all said and done, it's still a great game. I'm in Ganon's Tower right now, trying to go through a shit load of doors to God knows where.

I've been down in the dumps lately, a little family trouble, but I gotta have faith that things will turn out ok. Smile and continue on with business as usual.

B-Dizzle out to da hizzy fo sheezy....

Room Cleared due to questionable comments above, B Lee Dat Out

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