28 days...ugh. Do not money to see this movie. It's one of those movies where the main character does like two things, but it gets stretched out to like two hours. The ending, well...lemme put it like this..imagine you're on a roller coaster, and ur going up the biggest hill ever for what seems like a huge drop. The kind of drop that will force tears out of your eyes and piss out ur package. So you get closer and closer and closer....and..then...you drop a foot and the ride stops. THAT'S the ending. It's a good movie to download off of Kazaa or have a friend rent it so you dont' have to pay for it.
Phone Booth...a lot of people thought it sucked. I thought it was cool just because I liked the idea of having the whole movie stay in one setting (and how the director would keep it exciting), and because I really liked the cinematography. Colin Farrell is a great actor and he's irish. Again, another good movie to rent or download.
Both of these movies were downloaded. The last movie i saw in the theaters was Matrix: Reloaded. I thought it was aight. Not as good as the first one, but still aight. Since Reloaded and Revoluations are supposed to be one complete movie, then 'i'll just hold off on the complaints. Funny thing tho...remember that one scene where that girl eats the cake and then nuts in her panties? Well, a friend of mine was convinced that it wasn't her busting, it was her TAKING A SHIT. The "Diarrhea vs. Spooge" discussion went a lot longer than anticipated and in the end, we all went home frustrated.
Looking for a job stinks. There ain't nothing down here. Looks like i might have to live my worst nightmare: Working at a bagel place. (ha ha..just kidding brendan...DON'T GET MAD...DONT' GET PISSED OF OR SOMETHING. CUZ IF YOU DID THEN OH NO OH NO OHOHKLHJ....BTW, SoCom sucks. Play Everquest instead. You meet so many interesting people and who knows, maybe there's a cute nerdy asian girl hiding behind the half-elf/half-human that you can learn to love.
Well, I dunno why Derek has interpreted "I'm not "illustrious". Go figure" into a huge RAGE. But whatevers. I'm not SAT-savy...I think I got a lower score on the verbal. Which came as no surprise to me or my parents or anyone else who has the tolerance to hear me speak. I know that Bangs must be wonder how someone who scored a 1560 knows such a "foolish mortal".
Well, I guess being a whale's genitals is better than being a whale's snatch. OH wait..shit..genitals is a general term...so i could be either a dick or a puss. Shit. Oh wells. Let's all keep our fingers crossed than i'm a dick and not a puss. Well, either way, better than being a whale's asshole. Right?
I'm not sure where this hostility from snacks is coming from. Maybe it's the white side lashing out at the japanese side, thus causing him to lash out at the closest full Japanese person. And since Brendan would either 1) not give a fuck 2) kill him and Jon would 1) simply say "now Derek, I believe you used a double negative and an insecure pronoun in the place of the subjectavory verb....so until you fix those, my cognitive mainframe will not compute your syllables which will be compressed to form words and so on...you may go now", I guess I'm the closest, and easiest, target.
Or maybe he just hates me. Either way, I would truly recommend the chicken strip dinner at Denny's. Get corn instead of peas too. Or go to Carrows for the strawberry lemonade. Those berries are to die for. Oh shit..did i say "to die for"? That doesn't really help the whole "pussy vs. dick" argument mentioned beforehand above. Anyways, yeh..strawberry lemonade...with raw meat...and porn. With two girls. YEH.
Anywayz, I'm gonna take off now, cuz I have no more underwear..and I'm not gonna be like Missy and "flip it and reverse it". Well, laters guys..I'll be back home on the 12th..mark your calendars and move to the edge of your seats...I think a poker game is in order. No more oreos tho...that white shit is bad for your heart.
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