Jul 2, 2003

The place where we blog looks a little different since last I blogged...amazing...looks more professional and you can actually see the post buttons.

Anyone, I'm home, exciting isn't it? Things are going good here, just trying to settle in completely.

I still haven't seen Equilibrium yet, I think I'm the only one. I will have to borrow that at some point in time so that I may join in on conversations on how good/bad it is.

Halo is one of the best videogames that I've ever played. I'm still a huge Madden and Metal Gear fan, but Halo is a great game with very few flaws. What's weird though, choosing the best game is all relative to the person. That's why reviewers and critics are kind of stupid because it's their opinion. The only good thing about critics is if you can find one that is similar in your taste in games.

In a perfect world I would hope we would all find time to blog at least once every two weeks, but that probably won't happen, so I'm happy when people blog regardless. I know everyone has different time schedules, but I hope to see more blogs from the originals and Kevin. Paradise doesn't have computers, DSL, any sort of technology. I think they rape a lot of livestock though. Kevin can tell us for sure if that rumor is true.

Clubbin' was fun, hopefully more of us can hit the scene a little more often. The club was actually pretty fun though the girl Jonathan spoke of before got me in a little trouble since she started dancing w/ me in front of my gf. I was shocked and wasn't sure what to do. All is good now. Now I know to push the girl to the floor and say, "Back up bitch!" jk...walk away walk away...

Hackin' it up has been pretty fun, let me welcome Flare or Flair like Ric Flair aka Jonathan, Control aka Brendan, and Cheap Trickz aka yours truly...join in on the fun and come up with nicknames as well. If I got to choose names, Jon would be Outer Leg, Brendan would be Sir Talks A Lot and I think I would be Senior Clutch Rally...haha

Icons are needed for 3, well two if Kevin doesn't post soon...

BBQ for the 4th...who's with me?
Vegas late August...i've talked w/ Steve and brendan and it sounds like late August is the best time for them...except Brendan starts school then, but school shmool...anyone else interested..time preference?..just want to know so we can start figuring things out
Magic Mountain? I'm think of going early August...anyone with me on that one?

Alright, I don't have anything great to say now...brain isn't functioning, gettin old, need to blog early in the morning...

Take care y'all..peace out

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