Dec 5, 2002

Hmm...Now I'm a little confused by Steve's last blog...does he mean the way we talk about video games is a bad thing? I for one DO need to know everything I can about videogaming. I need to know what's out, when it comes out and what the latest buzz around the industry is. I need to know if Zelda needs to be saved or if Kevin or Bryant is around the corner, huddling like little girls, need to be saved. I talk about videogames because it is not a hobby. It is an obsession. If you ever want to hear me argue passionately about something (without the bullshit) then tell me videogames are for nerds. Once again...I will tear you apart. I'll even throw in some punches towards your personality to lower your self esteem even more. So if Steve wasn't being sarcastic...yes you should start buying videogames. Join in on the fun. If Steve was calling me a nerd for loving videogames then he gets this. =)

Brendan's Top Ten Video Games of All Time. (Subject open to changes.)

1. Legend of Zelda. The one that started it all. Before we knew what the hell a "triforce" was. Before we even knew what an "adventure" game was. To this day I still hate Likelikes...and I always wondered why those knights were called Darknuts. Also introduced the most useless weapon of all time. The Blue Candle. For 160 rupees I might add. Of course the sequels are bad ass...not one bad one yet...cept' that shit on the Phillips CD-I machine...but I have to choose the original for spawning the future.

2. Super Mario World. 16 bit makes its debut. This Shigeru tour de force was absolutely amazing. I still remember when I heard the sound effects when you went into a cave. This is one game where I just HAD to get all 96 worlds cleared. Mario and his flying cape. Talk about bad ass. WOW. And we can ride Yoshi?!? Again sequels are bad ass...why didn't I choose the original? Well...they were fun...they were ground breaking...but there was not really any hype around these games...SMW had tremendous hype and delivered.

3. Goldeneye. I will not disclose how many hours I played this game. Nothing beat you going up against a RCP90 with your back turned and when you realized you were taking fire you turned around and killed the fucker with one shot to the head with your magnum. I still know the levels. Even more I remember a lot of memories playing with different friends. Good times for 49.99. If you're Andrew Ryan Cates...19.99.

4. Secret of Mana. Great music. Great story. Way to combine a RPG with action. A new magic system that we have never seen before and I almost cried when Sprite was killed. I still think that Sprite is girl..but Square tells me otherwise. What do Japs know anyways? I always played with my mom. I stole her money. It was funny. She didn't think it was funny.

5. Castlevania:SOTN. Okay. So yes this series is bad ass. Why did I choose the Playstation one? Well the fact at how non-linear it was and how many items you could carry and the music was absoutely amazing. And after you beat the game I got to play a new quest with the castle upside down. Big woopdie doo you say? Well new enemies, new bosses, new areas. 2 games for the price of one. That gives it a Eecs Value stamp.

6. Duke Nukem 3D. Ahh..death by internet connection. Sushiboy is born and will tear people up for the next 10 years and perhaps even more. This is a tribute to Flaming Bovine, Casper, Redbeard, Maniac Cop and Pink Taco. Together we made Hollywood Holocaust a bloody mess. I also will go on the record that I did kill the infamous Thresh many a time...unfortunately he killed me a quadrupal times more...

7. Leisure Suit Larry. Hello ladies. My name is Larry...Larry Laugher...hehe. Okay besides the overall charm of this was still a kick ass adventure game. The stories were good, the characters hilarious. I'm sure the only ones who will get the next three sentences is Bryant and Andy. Airsick bag and Grotesque Gulp. Bullshit. "What? You wanna a plaid, mint flavored, medium sized, ribbed for her pleasure lubber?"

8. Halo. Bungie what were you thinking? You cannot just make shitty games for the whole company lifespan and then churn out something like Halo. It's not fair to other shitty game companies..ahem..Bandai. Bump mapping FINALLY comes to game consoles. Nothing like tossing a gernade onto a Covenant trooper...only for him to run for cover with his buddies...BOOM. Bungie with Rare? Holy shit. Gamecube and PS2...check your hardware at the fucking door.

9. Final Fantasy X. I'm going to get a lot of flak for this one. OK yes III was bad ass...yes XII was decent. But I really cared for these characters. So much so that when I got all the Ultimate weapons for my guys and beat the game...I was sad it was over. It was colorful and vibrant and the story was top notch. Like I said...all the people who didn't like this game...didn't finish it. X-2...that will never make this list. Guaranteed.

10. Soul Caliber. I can hear some people in this blog wondering what happened to SFII...without it there wouldn't be a Soul Caliber. I respect that. But Soul Caliber to me takes more skill. Ugh...I'm going to hear it for that last sentence. What I mean is that Soul Caliber is SO deep with moves and linking and defense. All have different styles that help overcome other foes more easily, but only if your skillfull. I've been killed in SFII by someone who fucking taps on medium punch.

Well thats about it. Real that almost made it...Street Figher 2, Resident Evil series, Metroid Prime (I haven't played it through yet), Battle of Olympus, Super Bust of Move, Bubble Bobble, Contra, Perfect Dark, NHL 94, Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid...among some others...any feedback? Any lists of your own. Like I videogames it is. In a week I'll do my list of the most bullshit games ever times. Don't worry won't be left out.

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