Jul 11, 2005


Good and fun times indeed.

On four hours of sleep, I got the donor sign done with a record-breaking high number of errors and low amount of design. Steve showed up an hour later than promised and offered a lot of laughs and very little help.

The taiko performance was cool. The rhythm, smiles and showmanship made me want to give it a try. Hmmm. And I realized that a girl keeping a fast beat on a big drum is quite a turn-on.

Considering the dire circumstances in which his bank account finds itself, I would start a Feed Ryan Sakamoto fund, but it's become clear that he would spend his last few dollars on sake shots for himself and everyone he knows.

I can't believe I missed the bulk of Bryant's bingo victory and Steve's red-faced response to maternal concern. And I can't believe I did NOT miss "the penis game."

More fun this coming weekend with Mountain View and our first official house party. Be there or be somewhere cooler.

The child within

The other day Tony and I were talking about how we still appreciate simple childish fun... goofing around and being silly... and we're glad that our friends share that and don't seem like they'll be taking life TOO seriously any time soon.

I wish you all could have come to the BBQ in El Cerrito on Sunday with Bryant and me. To my semi-surprise, we only knew a few people there, but I had a very good time lounging outside with fresh hot food and conversation with friends. But most importantly... they had a big trampoline in the backyard! After I got used to bouncing around on that thing (at first it looked like I had zero control and was going to hurt myself badly), I was trying to get as high as possible and come up with various poses to photo. I think I heard the others laugh and say "Look how happy he is!" I surely looked like a fool, but I couldn't stop smiling. My back is all achy today, but it was worth it.

There will be many more opportunities to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, and I hope to be surrounded by those who can appreciate them with me. I may have a job and a house, but I'll always be a kid.

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